Canadians are learning that their Governor General, Mary Simon has expensive taste. For example, Simon in 2022, racked up $71,000 in limo fees during a four-day trip to Iceland and another $100,000 for in-flight catering on a trip to the Middle East.
Simon’s lavish spending on unnecessary luxury items is taking place while Canada’s economy struggles amid a 40-year-high rate of inflation. Many Canadians are skipping meals and adding water to the milk they serve their children to save money. Simon’s extravagant spending is creating a perception of insensitivity. If Simon’s over-the-top spending continues, it will erode the trust that the public has placed in her leadership.
GG’s lavish catering for flights to the Middle East
The Governor General represents the King of England, in Canada, performs constitutional and ceremonial duties, and serves as the country’s head of state. Simon’s office operates within a budget allocated by the government. That said, it is reasonable to expect government leaders, including the Governor General, to spend public money responsibly.
During these turbulent economic times, the Governor General should be fiscally responsible and dial down her over-the-top spending. Mary Simon must avoid unnecessary spending on luxury items using taxpayer money and prioritize serving Canadian’s best interests.
Elaine Allan, BA, MBA
Vancouver, BC, Canada