Research indicates that effective leaders tend to possess certain personality traits.
What are Personality Traits?
Personality traits are usually defined as behaviors that are observable both inside and outside the framework of work.
Self-confidence is considered the most important trait a leader can possess. This is because self-confident people can increase performance in others around them in numerous ways. Someone in a leadership role who is self-assured without being arrogant or domineering often leads teams that are productive and effective in meeting targets. Team members tend to get along well and the work environment is often pleasant when headed up by a self-confident leader.
If self-confidence is the number one trait that can propel a career forward, humility, could then be considered the second most important trait a leader could possess. Part of being humble is admitting when you don’t know something and owning up to your mistakes to team members whenever necessary. As well, leaders who possess a healthy dose of humility will often give credit to the team when there are wins to be celebrated instead of taking the credit for themselves.
Evidence continues to point towards the importance of trustworthiness and honesty as being key traits of an effective leader. Effective leaders show consistency with their words and their actions. As well, trustworthy leaders also trust those around them. They don’t micromanage employees and disincentivize their employees by second-guessing them in meetings or taking credit for their work.
Elaine Allan, BA, MBA
Technology & Business Blogger
Vancouver, BC, Canada