Texting is Different Than Phoning or Emailing
Many of us are quick to respond to text messages. In fact, advertisers report, that on average, 98% of text messages are opened within three minutes of being sent. By comparison, the average open rate for emails has dropped to 17% — and sometimes it takes days or even weeks before the receiver even reads them. Phone calls in today’s world now commonly go unanswered when people don’t recognize the telephone number on their caller ID screens. So, if you need to identify supporters, get donations, and recruit volunteers quickly during a campaign, texting is a fast, inexpensive method of helping you get these important jobs done faster and easier than ever before.
Texting for Donations
Asking for donations via text messaging has become increasingly profitable as those who are likely to donate to your campaign will do so on a mobile device. When making a fundraising request via text make sure your message contains a link to your campaign’s donate webpage to facilitate a fast donor experience. In 2020, it was reported that the average donation received via a donation request sent by text yielded $107.
Filling Campaign Events at the Last Minute
Texting has become a go-to tactic for campaign event planners who need to fill rooms quickly. To fill a room quickly just ensure your text messages contains the event registration link. If you need to fill an online event you’ll be amazed at how many people who were at home can log in and attend with short notice. Ditto for those who may not be at home but are willing to attend on a mobile device. For in-person events, last-minute texting invites are yielding impressive last-minute registrations. So, go ahead and fill the room by sending out some last-minute texts.
Surveys & Polls
Texting allows campaigns to send out surveys and polls for immediate feedback. So, when there is an emerging issue, you can connect quickly and easily with your supporters using this simple technology. Remember, if you are savvy with your use of language, your audience will appreciate being asked for their opinion. You’ll be amazed at the amount of engagement your campaign will receive from prospective voters, donors, and volunteers if you send out surveys and polls on issues that they care about during a campaign.
Spam Filters & Opt-Ins
Texting used as a communication tool allows campaigns to connect with voters who haven’t opted in to email lists. Run a smart campaign. Always ask supporters for cell/text numbers. If you take the time to build a contact list with cell/text numbers, you’ll have more success identifying your vote, getting donations, and getting volunteers during your campaign.
Elaine Allan, BA, MBA
Technology and Business Blogger
Vancouver, BC, Canada